Client Stories: Dublin Town
DublinTown is Dublin City’s Business Improvement District, a not for profit organisation charged with creating a welcoming and economically viable city environment. They are a collective of 2,500 businesses in the city centre and work with partners to enhance the appeal of the city centre as the place for shopping, recreation and business development by increasing footfall and improving overall trading performance.
Dublin Town, is hugely popular and works with all the businesses within the district to ensure better footfall in the city centre and more initiatives to drive up numbers visiting our city centre and to ensure a great experience for customers and tourists alike.
We began working with Dublin Town in 2013, when we working on accessible tourism attractions in Dublin City Centre for the ambassadors in the Dublin Town Kiosks.
We worked with the Team in Dublin Town on devising an interactive workshop for their staff. We looked at accessibility across Dublin City Centre and the issues that were arising. The feedback from the team was excellent and it was a very interesting collaboration.
Subsequently, we were involved in training workshops, open to the member’s of Dublin Town, to ensure that they were meeting their entire customer base and finding ways to ensure accessibility and understanding in this area.
All our workshops were tailored specifically to their brief and the feedback from businesses that attended was excellent!
We look forward to working with Dublin Town in the future.
For further information on Dublin Town: